Mange Tout: Solo Exhibition - Brighton - 'Fragments' 2nd May - 4th June 2022
Forthcoming exhibition
SpikePaper, ink, spray paint, PVA glue500mm x 380mm
Framed dims 625mm x 550mm -
RepairPaper, paint, ink, spray paint, graphite, PVA glue
560mm x 430mm
Framed dims 660mm x 530mm
Creature of the HeartPaper, paint, ink, coloured pencil, screen print, graphite, PVA glue
760mm x 960mm
Framed dims 860mm x 1060mm
WildPaper, spray paint, seaweed, brass, wood, paint, PVA glue450mm x 330mm
Framed dims 590mm x 460mm -
SubmergedPaper, paint, coloured pencil, screen print, graphite, PVA glue
440mm x 420mm
Framed dims 540mm x 520mm
MinePaper, ink, coloured pencil, screen print, graphite, PVA glue
470mm x 740mm
570mm x 840mm (framed) -
EmergentPaper, paint, plaster, spray paint, coloured pencil, screen print, graphite, PVA glue
405mm x 300mm
Framed dims 535mm x 430mm
ProsperPaper, paint, coloured pencil, screen print, graphite, PVA glue
660mm x 250mm
Framed dims 790mm x 380mm
ForeverPaper, paint, plant, coloured pencil, screen print, graphite, PVA glue460mm x 810mm
Framed dims 590mm x 930mm -
Next to YouPaper, gold leaf, paint, ink, coloured pencil, screen print, graphite, plaster, PVA glue
730mm x 300mm
Framed dims 830mm x 400mm
Solo exhibition showing works from 'THE HYBRIDIST'
A collection of fictionalised and constructed floral designs underpinned by scientific collaboration, to examine the potential of plant DNA as a creative sculptural material. These tactile collages document the artist's ongoing research and collaboration with plant molecular scientists which began in her role as Artist in Residence at Royal Holloway University.