
As a certified B Corporation® each year I choose a charity to donate my time and skills and 2024 was the WONDERFUL Rainforest Foundation UK (RFUK). Our work together culminated in a performance for an invited audience at Rich Mix in London to honour their 35th Anniversary.

I created a series of handmade and painted cast sculptures from botanical specimens and lit them to create projected, moving shadows. The performance included me slowly building a rainforest soundscape live on stage, using comon household objects and a guitair loop pedal to reflect the plants, animals and atmosphere. At the end of the evening all sculptures were auctioned in aid of the charities wonderful work.
I am incredibly grateful to: The Africa Team at Kew Gardens for advising on the botanical species found in the Congo Rainforest, Becky and Chloe at The Living Rainforest for gifting me cuttings. The team at Rich Mix; Eve, Rebecca, Oscar and John for all their help and support. Julian Weaver and Simon James for their foley advice, Jon Ardern from Superflux for mentoring me throughout and finally my clever and patient husband Alan who helped make it all work! x